Welcome to the user guide of MediConnect!

MediConnect is a clinic management system (CMS) application designed for clinic receptionists. It aims to help them to be more efficient and effective at accomplishing administrative tasks.

These administrative tasks can include:

  • Scheduling an appointment
  • Retrieving a patient’s medical history
  • Checking a doctor’s availability
  • Updating a patient’s medical record

If you are new to this guide, click here for a quick introduction to this user guide.

If you are keen to start using MediConnect, click here for our quick start guide.

Table of Contents

Introduction to this user guide

This guide is designed for users of all level to master their use of MediConnect.

Icons used in this guide

Here are some common icons used throughout this user guide.

Icons Representation
:information_source: Note Provides you with additional useful information
:exclamation: Caution Warns you on the common mistakes
:bulb: Tip Provides you with tips to enhance your experience

Terms used in this guide

Here are some common terms used throughout this user guide.

Terms Representation
Command The instruction you enter into the application
Parameter The additional information you provide for the instruction you intend to enter
Appointment A scheduled medical consultation between the patient and the doctor
MAX_INT Integer value 2147483647
Command Terminal A window into which users can type commands that are then executed by their computer’s operating system

As this guide aims to be as comprehensive as possible, you might find the amount of information in this user guide overwhelming. Fret not, you can utilise the Table of Content to find the information you are looking for.

If you are new to MediConnect, you can head over to our quick start to learn the basics of this application.

If you are familiar with MediConnect, you can head over to view the list of features or the command summary to hone your MediConnect skills.

Back to Table of Contents.

Quick start

Installing MediConnect

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. If you already have it installed, follow this guide to check your Java version.

    If you do not have it installed yet or your Java version is below 11, refer to the following guides based on your operating system:

  2. Download the latest mediconnect.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your MediConnect.

  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in

  5. Use the java -jar mediconnect.jar command to run the application.

    The commands you give should look similar to what is shown below: Terminal

A GUI similar to the below should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  1. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • list_a : Lists all appointments.

    • add_p n\Joe Ng ic\T0383462A p\83745623 : Adds a patient named Joe Ng to the list of patients.

    • delete_d 5 : Deletes the 5th doctor in the list of doctors.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  2. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

Back to Table of Contents.


The main window has the following components:

  • Command Box: The command box is where you will enter your commands
  • Result Display Box: This box will display the output messages in response to your commands
  • Appointment List Panel: This panel will display the list of filtered appointments
  • Patient List Panel: This panel will display the list of filtered patients
  • Doctor List Panel: This panel will display the list of filtered doctors

Back to Table of Contents.


The features are categorised into:

:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • Words in UPPER_CASE are the parameters you would need to provide.
    e.g. in add n\NAME, NAME is a parameter which can be used as add n\John Doe.

  • Parameters in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. for INDEX [dic\DOCTOR_NRIC] [pic\PATIENT_NRIC], both DOCTOR_NRIC and PATIENT_NRIC are optional. Valid inputs include 3 dic\T1023470J pic\S1875409K, 3 pic\S1875409K or even 3.

  • Parameters can be entered in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n\NAME p\PHONE_NUMBER, p\PHONE_NUMBER n\NAME is also acceptable.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, list_p and exit) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

  • If you are using a PDF version of this document, be careful when copying and pasting commands that span multiple lines as space characters surrounding line-breaks may be omitted when copied over to the application.

Parameters used in this guide

The following table gives an overview of what each parameter used in the Features section is for.

Parameter Description Valid Parameter Input
NAME The full name of the doctor/patient Only accepts alphanumeric characters and spaces
NRIC The National Registration Identity Card number or Foreign Identification Number of the doctor/patient Starts with S/T/F/G/M and followed by 7 digits and ends with an alphabet. The first and last letter is case insensitive
PHONE_NUMBER The phone number of the doctor/patient Only contain numbers, and it should be at least 3 digits long
INDEX The position of the appointment/doctor/patient in the filtered list Must be a positive integer (1, 2, 3, …) and should not be larger than the length of the list and have a maximum possible value of MAX_INT
MEDICAL_CONDITION The medical condition of the patient Only accepts alphanumeric characters without any spaces
SPECIALISATION The specialisation of the doctor Only accepts alphanumeric characters without any spaces
PRESCRIPTION The prescription of the appointment Only accepts alphanumeric characters without any spaces
START_TIME The start time of the appointment Only accepts valid dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
END_TIME The end time of the appointment Only accepts valid dates in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
REMARK The remark of the appointment/patient/doctor Accepts all input
KEYWORD The keyword of doctor/patient Accepts all input
:bulb: Tip: For medical conditions with more than 1 word, you can concatenate the words of the condition!
:information_source: Note: An “alphanumeric” character is a character that can be either a letter (A to Z, both uppercase and lowercase) or a number (0 to 9).

Back to Table of Contents.

Patient Management Features

This is the list of features that help you manage patient records:

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Adding a patient: add_p

Allows you to add a patient to the system.

Format: add_p n\NAME ic\NRIC p\PHONE_NUMBER


  • add_p n\John Doe ic\T0212385J p\98765432 adds a new patient named John Doe with NRIC T0212385J and phone 98765432 into the database.
  • add_p ic\S9912343G n\Betsy Crowe p\81235833 adds a new patient named Betsy Crowe with NRIC S9912343G and phone 81235833 into the database.
:exclamation: Caution: Ensure that the new patient’s NRIC does not exist in the database.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to add a Patient named “Jonathan Reese” with NRIC “S8712461K” and phone number “81573238”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    add_p n\Jonathan Reese ic\S8712461K p\81235833
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    New patient added: Jonathan Reese; Phone: 81235833; NRIC: S8712461K
  4. You have successfully added the patient to the database.
:bulb: Tip: Double check the phone number before pressing enter! Extremely long phone numbers may not be displayed fully in the Patient window.

Back to Patient Management Features.

Listing all patients : list_p

Allows you to list all patients in the system.

Format: list_p

Back to Patient Management Features.

Viewing details of a patient : view_p

Allows you to view details, such as basic information, medical condition, and remark, of a specific patient in the system.

Format: view_p INDEX

  • Displays the full details of the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.
:information_source: Note: If you update any field of a patient that is already in the Patient Window, remember to enter the view_p to update the Patient Window.


  • Entering list_p followed by view_p 2 shows the details of the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • Entering find_p Jonathan followed by view_p 1 shows the details of the 1st patient in the resultant patient list of the find_p command.

Below is an example of a successful view command call. ViewPatientMainWindow

Back to Patient Management Features.

Editing a patient : edit_p

Allows you to edit an existing patient in the system. This is useful to correct any mistakes made when adding or updating a patient.

Format: edit_p INDEX [n\NAME] [ic\NRIC] [p\PHONE]

  • Edits the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


  • edit_p 1 n\Joe Ng edits the name of 1st patient in the patient list to be Joe Ng.
  • edit_p 2 p\91234567 edits the phone of the 2nd patient in the patient list to be 91234567.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to edit the 4th patient changing his phone from “81235833” to “81453894”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    edit_p 4 p\81453894
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    Edited Patient: Jonathan Reese; Phone: 81453894; NRIC: S8712461K
  4. You have successfully edited the patient in the database.
:information_source: Note: Note that all appointments containing the patient’s old NRIC will be updated to the new NRIC.

Back to Patient Management Features.

Locating patients by name : find_p

Allows you to find patients whose name contains any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only the name of the patient is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Patients matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.


  • find_p John returns john and John Doe.
  • find_p alex david returns Alex Yeoh, David Li.

Back to Patient Management Features.

Deleting a patient : delete_p

Allows you to delete a specified patient from the system.

Format: delete_p INDEX

  • Deletes the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.


  • Entering list_p followed by delete_p 2 deletes the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • Entering find_p Jonathan followed by delete_p 1 deletes the 1st patient in the resultant patient list of the find_p command.
:exclamation: Caution: If a patient is removed, the appointments of the patient will be deleted too!

Back to Patient Management Features.

Adding a medical condition to a patient : add_tag_p

Allows you to add a medical condition to a specified patient in the system.


  • Adds the given medical condition to the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.
  • Only one medical condition can be added at a time.


  • Entering list_p followed by add_tag_p 2 t\diabetes adds the medical condition diabetes to the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • Entering find_p Jonathan followed by add_tag_p 1 t\cancer adds the medical condition cancer to the 1st patient in the resultant patient list of the find_p command.

Back to Patient Management Features.

Deleting a medical condition from a patient : delete_tag_p

Allows you to delete a medical condition from a specified patient in the system.

Format: delete_tag_p INDEX t\MEDICAL_CONDITION

  • Deletes the input medical condition from the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.
  • The given MEDICAL_CONDITION must be a present medical condition of the specified patient.
  • Only one medical condition can be deleted at a time.


  • Entering list_p followed by delete_tag_p 2 t\diabetes deletes the medical condition diabetes from the 2nd patient in the patient list.
  • Entering find_p Jonathan followed by delete_tag_p 1 t\cancer deletes the medical condition cancer from the 1st patient in the resultant patient list of the find_p command.

Back to Patient Management Features.

Editing the remark of a patient : remark_p

Allows you to edit the remark of a specified patient in the system. The patient’s remark can be used to store temporary information such as family health history and current medications/treatments the patient is on.

Format: remark_p INDEX [r\REMARK]

  • Edits the remark of the patient at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed patient list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed patient list.
  • The patient’s existing remark will be overwritten with the input REMARK.
  • An empty REMARK input will delete the previously stored remark.
  • Similarly, if the REMARK parameter is not given, it will delete the previously stored remark.


  • Entering list_p followed by remark_p 2 r\need follow up overwrites the existing remark of the 2nd patient in the patient list with need follow up.
  • Entering find_p Jonathan followed by remark_p 1 or remark_p 1 r\ removes the existing remark from the 1st patient in the resultant patient list of the find_p command.
:bulb: Tip: Keep your remarks concise as extremely long remarks might not be fully displayed in the Patient Window!

Back to Patient Management Features.

Doctor Management Features

This is the list of features that help you manage doctor records:

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Adding a doctor : add_d

Allows you to add a doctor to the system.

Format: add_d n\NAME ic\NRIC


  • add_d n\John Doe ic\T0212385J adds a new doctor named John Doe with NRIC T0212385J into the database.
  • add_d ic\S9912343G n\Betsy Crowe adds a new doctor named Betsy Crowe with NRIC S9912343G into the database.
:exclamation: Caution: Ensure that the new doctor’s NRIC does not exist in the database.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to add a doctor named “John Doe” with NRIC “T0212385J”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    add_d n\John Doe ic\T0212385J
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    New doctor added: John Doe; Nric: T0212385J
  4. You have successfully added the doctor to the database.

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Listing all doctors : list_d

Allows you to list all the doctors in the system.

Format: list_d

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Viewing details of a doctor : view_d

Allows you to view details, such as basic information, specialisation, and remark, of a specific doctor in the system.

Format: view_d INDEX

  • Displays the full details of the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.
:information_source: Note: If you update any field of a doctor that is already in the Doctor Window, remember to enter the view_d to update the Doctor Window.


  • Entering list_d followed by view_d 2 shows the details of the 2nd doctor in the doctor list.
  • Entering find_d Jonathan followed by view_d 1 shows the details of the 1st doctor in the resultant doctor list of the find_d command.

Below is an example of a successful view command call.


Back to Doctor Management Features.

Editing a doctor : edit_d

Allows you to edit an existing doctor in the system. This is useful to correct any mistakes made when adding or updating a doctor.

Format: edit_d INDEX [ic\NRIC] [n\NAME]

  • Edits the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


  • edit_d 1 n\Joe Ng ic\T0212385J edits the name and NRIC of the 1st doctor in the doctor list to be Joe Ng and T0212385J respectively.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to edit the 4th doctor changing his NRIC from “T0212384J” to “T0212385J”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    edit_d 4 ic\T0212385J
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    Edited Doctor: Joe Ng; Nric: T0212385J
  4. You have successfully edited the doctor in the database.
:information_source: Note: Note that all appointments containing the doctor’s old NRIC will be updated to the new NRIC.

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Locating doctors by name : find_d

Allows you to locate doctors whose name contains any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans.
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans.
  • Only the name of the doctor is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans.
  • Doctors matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang.


  • find_d John returns john and John Doe.
  • find_d alex david returns Alex Yeoh, David Li.

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Deleting a doctor : delete_d

Allows you to delete a specific doctor from the system.

Format: delete_d INDEX

  • Deletes the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.


  • Entering list_d followed by delete_d 2 deletes the 2nd doctor in the doctor list.
  • Entering find_d Jonathan followed by delete_d 1 deletes the 1st doctor in the resultant doctor list of the find_d command.
:exclamation: Caution: If a doctor is removed, the appointments of the doctor will be deleted too!

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Adding a specialisation to a doctor : add_tag_d

Allows you to add a specialisation to a specified doctor in the system.

Format: add_tag_d INDEX t\SPECIALISATION

  • Adds the specialisation to the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.
  • Only one specialisation can be added at a time.


  • Entering list_d followed by add_tag_d 2 t\Orthopaedic adds the Orthopaedic specialisation to the 2nd doctor in the doctor list.
  • Entering find_d Jonathan followed by add_tag_d 1 t\Orthopaedic adds the Orthopaedic specialisation to the 1st doctor in the resultant doctor list of the find_d command.

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Deleting a specialisation from a doctor : delete_tag_d

Allows you to delete a specialisation from a specific doctor in the system.

Format: delete_tag_d INDEX t\SPECIALISATION

  • Deletes the specialisation from the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.
  • The given SPECIALISATION must be a present specialisation of the specified doctor.
  • Only one specialisation can be deleted at a time.


  • Entering list_d followed by delete_tag_d 2 t\Orthopaedic deletes the Orthopaedic specialisation from the 2nd doctor in the doctor list.
  • Entering find_d Jonathan followed by delete_tag_d 1 t\Orthopaedic deletes the Orthopaedic specialisation from the 1st doctor in the resultant doctor list of the find_d command.

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Editing the remark of a doctor : remark_d

Allows you to edit the remark of a specified doctor in the system. The doctor’s remark is usually used to indicate the doctor’s availability.

Format: remark_d INDEX [r\REMARK]

  • Edits the remark of the doctor at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed doctor list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed doctor list.
  • The doctor’s existing remark will be overwritten with the input REMARK.
  • An empty REMARK input will delete the previously stored remark.
  • Similarly, if the REMARK parameter is not given, it will delete the previously stored remark.


  • Entering list_d followed by remark_d 2 r\Doctor will not be in clinic until 30/12/2023 overwrites the existing remark of the 2nd doctor in the doctor list with Doctor will not be in clinic until 30/12/2023.
  • Entering find_d Jonathan followed by remark_d 1 or remark_d 1 r\ removes the existing remark from the 1st doctor in the resultant doctor list of the find_d command.
:bulb: Tip: Keep your remarks concise as extremely long remarks might not be fully displayed in the Doctor Window!

Back to Doctor Management Features.

Appointment Management Features

This is the list of features that help you manage appointment records:

Back to Table of Contents.

Adding an appointment : add_a

Allows you to add an appointment to the system.



  • add_a pic\S9912343G dic\T0212385J from\2023-09-11 07:30 to\2023-09-11 08:00 adds an appointment between doctor with NRIC T0212385J and patient with NRIC S9912343G from 2023-09-11 07:30 to 2023-09-11 08:00.
  • add_a from\2023-09-12 07:30 to\2023-09-12 08:00 dic\T0212385J pic\S9912343G adds an appointment between doctor with NRIC T0212385J and patient with NRIC S9912343G from 2023-09-12 07:30 to 2023-09-12 08:00.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to add an appointment between a patient “John Doe” with NRIC “T0212385J” and doctor “Betsy Crowe” with NRIC “S9912343G” starting from “2023-09-13 12:00” ending at “2023-09-13 12:30”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    add_a pic\T0212385J dic\S9912343G from\2023-09-13 12:00 to\2023-09-13 12:30
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    New appointment added: Patient NRIC: T0212385J; Doctor NRIC: S9912343G; From: 2023-09-13 12:00; to: 2023-09-13 12:30
  4. You have successfully added the appointment into the database.
:exclamation: Caution: Do ensure that the patient and doctor you are entering exist in the database! Ensure that the end time is not any earlier than the start time. However, the start time and end time can be the same.

Back to Appointment Management Features.

Listing all appointments, or by patient or doctor NRIC : list_a

Allows you to either display all the appointments in the system or the list of appointments of a specified patient/doctor in the system.

Format: list_a [pic\PATIENT_NRIC] [dic\DOCTOR_NRIC]

  • If only PATIENT_NRIC is specified, all appointments belonging to the patient with the specified PATIENT_NRIC will be listed.
  • If only DOCTOR_NRIC is specified, all appointments belonging to the doctor with the specified DOCTOR_NRIC will be listed.
  • If both PATIENT_NRIC and DOCTOR_NRIC are specified, all appointments between the patient with the specified PATIENT_NRIC and the doctor with the specified DOCTOR_NRIC will be listed.
  • List all the appointments in the system if no fields are given.


  • list_a pic\S9912343G returns all the appointments that have the patient NRIC S9912343G.
  • list_a dic\T0212385J returns all the appointments that have the doctor NRIC T0212385J.
  • list_a pic\S9912343G dic\T0212385J returns all the appointments that have both the patient NRIC S9912343G and the doctor NRIC T0212385J.
  • list_a returns all the appointments in the system.

Back to Appointment Management Features.

Editing an appointment : edit_a

Allows you to edit an existing appointment in the system. This is useful to correct any mistakes made when adding or updating an appointment.

Format: edit_a INDEX [pic\PATIENT_NRIC] [dic\DOCTOR_NRIC] [from\START_TIME] [to\END_TIME]

  • Edits the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed appointment list.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.


  • edit_a 1 pic\S9912343G dic\T0212385J from\2023-09-11 07:30 to\2023-09-11 08:00 edits the patient and doctor NRIC of the 1st appointment in the appointment list to be S9912343G and T0212385J respectively and the start time and end time of the appointment to be 2023-09-11 07:30 and 2023-09-11 08:00 respectively.

Sample Usage:

  1. Assuming you want to edit the 4th Appointment, change the doctor NRIC from “S9823343G” to “S9923334G”.

  2. Enter the following command:
    edit_a 4 pic\S9923334G
  3. The result box will display the following message:
    Edited Appointment: Patient NRIC: S9923334G; Doctor NRIC: S6912483J; From: 2023-09-09 10:30; to: 2023-09-09 10:45
  4. You have successfully edited the appointment at index 4 in the database.
:exclamation: Caution: If you edit the patient or doctor NRIC of an appointment, ensure that there exists a patient or doctor with the edited NRIC!

Back to Appointment Management Features.

Viewing details of an appointment : view_a

Allows you to view details, such as basic information, prescription given, and remark, of a specific appointment in the system.

Format: view_a INDEX

  • Displays the full details of the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the displayed appointment list.
:information_source: Note: If you update any field of an appointment that is already in the Appointment Window, remember to enter the view_a to update the Appointment Window.


  • Entering list_a followed by view_a 2 shows the details of the 2nd appointment in the appointment list.

Below is the image of a successful result that you should have encountered.


Back to Appointment Management Features.

Deleting an appointment : delete_a

Allows you to delete the specified appointment from the system.

Format: delete_a INDEX

  • Deletes the appointment with the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the appointment list.


  • delete_a 2 deletes the 2nd appointment in the appointment list.

Back to Appointment Management Features.

Adding a prescription to an appointment : add_tag_a

Allows you to add a prescription for an appointment in the system.

Format: add_tag_a INDEX t\PRESCRIPTION

  • Adds a prescription to the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the appointment list.
  • Only one prescription can be added at a time.


  • Entering list_a followed by add_tag_a 2 t\Panadol adds the Panadol prescription to the 2nd appointment in the appointment list.
  • Entering list_a pic\S9923334G followed by add_tag_a 1 t\Panadol adds the Panadol prescription to the 1st appointment in the resultant appointment list of the list_a command.

Back to Appointment Management Features.

Deleting a prescription from an appointment : delete_tag_a

Allows you to delete a prescription from an appointment in the system.

Format: delete_tag_a INDEX t\PRESCRIPTION

  • Deletes the prescription from the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the appointment list.
  • The given PRESCRIPTION must be a present prescription of the specified appointment.
  • Only one prescription can be deleted at a time.


  • Entering list_a followed by delete_tag_a 2 t\Panadol deletes the prescription Panadol from the 2nd appointment in the appointment list.
  • Entering list_a pic\S9923334G followed by delete_tag_a 1 t\Panadol deletes the prescription Panadol from the 1st appointment in the resultant appointment list of the list_a command.

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Editing the remark of an appointment : remark_a

Allows you to edit the remark of a specified appointment in the system. The appointment’s remark is usually used to record any comments the doctor would like to note for that particular appointment.

Format: remark_a INDEX [r\REMARK]

  • Edits the remark of the appointment at the specified INDEX.
  • The index refers to the index number shown in the displayed appointment list.
  • The index must be a positive integer (i.e. 1 to MAX_INT).
  • The index should not be larger than the length of the appointment list.
  • The appointment’s existing remark will be overwritten with the input REMARK.
  • An empty REMARK input will delete the previously stored remark.
  • Similarly, if the REMARK parameter is not given, it will delete the previously stored remark.


  • Entering list_a followed by remark_a 2 r\Patient does not need any follow up overwrites the existing remark of the 2nd appointment in the appointment list with Patient does not need any follow up.
  • Entering list_a pic\S9923334G followed by remark_a 1 or remark_a 1 r\ removes the existing remark from the 1st appointment in the resultant appointment list of the list_a command.
:bulb: Tip: Keep your remarks concise as extremely long remarks might not be fully displayed in the Appointment Window!

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General Features

This is the list of general features built into MediConnect:

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Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.

help message

Format: help

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Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.

Format: exit

Back to General Features.

Saving the data

MediConnect data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command. There is no need to save manually.

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Editing the data file

MediConnect data are saved automatically as a JSON file [JAR file location]/data/database.json. Advanced users are welcome to update data directly by editing that data file.

:exclamation: :information_source: If your changes to the data file make its format invalid, MediConnect will discard all data and start with an empty data file at the next run. Hence, it is recommended to take a backup of the file before editing it.

Back to General Features.


Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app on the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous MediConnect home folder.

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Known issues

1. Refreshing the View Window after updating details

If you have any of the Appointment/Doctor/Patient windows opened, and you update any of the details of the selected appointment/doctor/patient, the view window will not reflect the changes. To refresh and see the updated details, run the respective view appointment/doctor/patient command again.

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Command summary

Action Format, Examples
Add Patient add_p n\NAME ic\NRIC p\PHONE_NUMBER
e.g., add_p n\John Doe ic\T0212385J p\98765432
Add Doctor add_d n\NAME ic\NRIC
e.g., add_d n\John Doe ic\T0212385J
Add Appointment add_a pic\PATIENT_NRIC dic\DOCTOR_NRIC from\START_TIME to\END_TIME
e.g., add_a pic\S9912343G dic\T0212385J from\2023-09-11 07:30 to\2023-09-11 08:30
Delete Patient delete_p INDEX
e.g., delete_p 1
Delete Doctor delete_d INDEX
e.g., delete_d 2
Delete Appointment delete_a INDEX
e.g., delete_a 3
View Patient view_p INDEX
e.g., view_p 1
View Doctor view_d INDEX
e.g., view_d 2
View Appointment view_a INDEX
e.g., view_a 3
Edit Patient edit_p INDEX [ic\NRIC] [n\NAME] [p\PHONE]
e.g.,edit_p 3 ic\T0212385J n\Joe Ng
Edit Doctor edit_d INDEX [ic\NRIC] [n\NAME]
e.g.,edit_d 2 ic\T0212385J n\Joe Ng
Edit Appointment edit_a INDEX [pic\PATIENT_NRIC] [dic\DOCTOR_NRIC] [from\START_TIME] [to\END_TIME]
e.g.,edit_a 2 pic\T0212385J
Find Patient find_p KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find_p James Jake
Find Doctor find_d KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g., find_d Jonathan Reese
List Patient list_p
List Doctor list_d
List Appointment list_a [pic\PATIENT_NRIC] [dic\DOCTOR_NRIC]
e.g., list_a pic\S9912343G
Add Medical Condition add_tag_p INDEX t\MEDICAL_CONDTION
e.g., add_tag_p 1 t\diabetes
Delete Medical Condition delete_tag_p INDEX t\MEDICAL_CONDITION
e.g., delete_tag_p 1 t\diabetes
Add Specialisation add_tag_d INDEX t\SPECIALISATION
e.g., add_tag_d 1 t\Orthopaedic
Delete Specialisation delete_tag_d INDEX t\SPECIALISATION
e.g., delete_tag_d 1 t\Orthopaedic
Add Prescription add_tag_a INDEX t\PRESCRIPTION
e.g., add_tag_a 1 t\Panadol
Delete Prescription delete_tag_a INDEX t\PRESCRIPTION
e.g., delete_tag_a 1 t\Panadol
Edit Patient Remark remark_p INDEX [r\REMARK]
e.g., remark_p 2 r\family history of diabetes
Edit Doctor Remark remark_d INDEX [r\REMARK]
e.g., remark_d 1 r\Doctor will not be in clinic until 30/12/2023
Edit Appointment Remark remark_a INDEX [r\REMARK]
e.g., remark_a 2 r\Patient does not need any follow up
Help help
Exit exit

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